For the past month or so, as soon as Michael gets home from work we load up the girls in the joggers and go for a run. Michael usually pushes the double with Sash and Stella, and I push Soph in the single. Both have pros and cons: the double is heavier, but pushing Sophia requires you to engage in conversation with her the WHOLE way. Here is a conversation we had a few weeks ago...
The scene: we're running on a little trail, and we see a teenage boy put his arm around a teenage girl as they're walking in front of us.
Sophia: Mama?
N: Yes, Sophia.
S: Boys love girls.
N: Yes they do.
S: Mama?
N: Yeeeees, Sophia.
S: Boys and girls get married and then get kids.
N: That's right, honey.
S: Mama?
N: Yes?
S: I want another baby in our house.
N: Um.....don't you think we have enough for now?
S: Nope. I want another girl baby.
N: Wellll, we'll see.
S: Mama?
N: Sophia.
S: The world would be sad if it were just regular.
N: regular do you mean no colors?? (sometimes she calls "clear" things "regular" - like water, for instance.)
S: Yeah. Colors make the world good.
N: Yes they do. Is your favorite color still red, Soph?
S: Yeah. and Daddy's favorite is blue, and yours is purple, and Sasha's is orange, and Stella's is yellow...just like Mrs. Smith.
N: Sophia...see if you can count all the birds we see.
S: Okay, mom.
Sophia catching some zzzzz's
Sasha and Stella
Flexing for the camera
"helping" Daddy stretch