Thursday, December 20, 2007

Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?

Had to share this pic from Missy. Jackson and his two buddies.* Aren't they the cutest?!?!

*Fauxhawks created by Missy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We want to wish all of our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We're leaving for Montana on Friday morning, so we likely won't have chance to post between now and when we get back home on the 31st.

Unfortunately, the girls both have the stomach flu this week. We're hoping it all passes by the time we need to start driving in two days. We also have our fingers crossed that Michael and I somehow don't catch the bug. That doesn't usually work out the way we we'd like it to.

Here are just a couple of pictures from last week.

Laila and The Shirtless Wonders (Becks and Soph) playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Sophia helping Sasha take her first stroll in Mama's high heels.
Looks like we have another camera ham on our hands.
Yes, we're still in princess mode. This is not Sophia, it is Princess Luciana.
Pure joy. I love this one.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


We had a great family vacation to Southern California last week. The girls LOVED Disneyland...well....we think they did anyway. It is really pretty funny what excited them - Sasha liked the drinking fountains, the birdies, and climbing on the benches. Ya know, things you can do FOR FREE at a city park or a shopping mall. Sophia looooooved the princesses. She wore her Belle princess everyday we went to either Disneyland or California Adventure...AND we had to call her Belle - no exceptions. She called Michael "Daddy, the prince" and me "Mama, the queen". We have no worries about her ability to use her imagination. Sasha liked seeing the Disney characters, too, but only if they kept their distance. If they invaded her bubble, she'd start shaking her head and saying "no, no, no, no, no, no."

I LOOOOOVED being back at Disneyland. It reminded me of all of the family vacations we took as a kid. Part of me can't believe my parents attempted a theme park with FOUR kids...we had a tough time with just 2!! It really was fun experiencing it as a parent, though, and I hope we can make it back there again in a few years.

San Diego was great, although it was pretty chilly there. At Sea World...once again, the birds proved to be the big hit. So much for Shamu...Sasha wanted to feed the pigeons and Soph wanted to catch a sea gull.

The girls traveled really well on the plane. At one point, I looked at Sasha and she had the laptop on her tray (watching an Elmo dvd), headphones on, a bag a chips in her lap and sippy in hand. A seasoned vet at air travel. Sophia slept through the whole flight home - mouth open and all.

We had a great great week, but it felt so nice to get back home to our beds and schedules. Now it's time to gear up for our Christmas road trip to Montana and South Dakota in a couple of weeks.

Enjoy the pics!!!!