Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas, everyone!

We want to wish all of our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We're leaving for Montana on Friday morning, so we likely won't have chance to post between now and when we get back home on the 31st.

Unfortunately, the girls both have the stomach flu this week. We're hoping it all passes by the time we need to start driving in two days. We also have our fingers crossed that Michael and I somehow don't catch the bug. That doesn't usually work out the way we we'd like it to.

Here are just a couple of pictures from last week.

Laila and The Shirtless Wonders (Becks and Soph) playing Hungry Hungry Hippos.

Sophia helping Sasha take her first stroll in Mama's high heels.
Looks like we have another camera ham on our hands.
Yes, we're still in princess mode. This is not Sophia, it is Princess Luciana.
Pure joy. I love this one.

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