Sunday, October 19, 2008


We had a great time carving pumpkins over the weekend. As a kid, it was definitely my least favorite holiday activity (second only to having to decorate a bazillion Christmas sugar cookies for my mom every year)....the pumpkin smell and the mess grossed me out. Plus, I usually managed to screw up my pumpkin somehow before it was time to display it.

Well this year it was actually fun...the smell and mess don't hold a candle to the things I clean up on a daily basis anymore. The girls were really into it, but they also thought the pumpkins stunk and were"ewwwwwey".
Here are some more pictures.


Anonymous said...

Can you send the girls over to help me and Mary Pat carve pumpkins? Those look fabulous! I can't wait to see the three lovely ladies dressed up in their costumes.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive pumpkins!! Marita

Anonymous said...

I thought you just rolled the pumpkins down the hill when you were a kid? The pumpkins look great! Miss you!


Anonymous said...

Very impressive results. Martha Stewart reincarnated! Love seeing your sweet family in action. xoxo Linda
p.s. Jackson is a lucky guy to have your beautiful, fun loving daughters as cousins and you two as auntie and uncle.

Mama Cools said...

WOW! Muy impressive. You guys should take your skilz on the road. Our pumpkin just looks sad now.