Check out the pictures below.... We've gotten quite a few comments regarding who Stella looks more like - Sophia or Sasha. I found some pictures that might solve the dilemma - all the photos are from around the 4 month mark. Let me know who you think Stella looks the most like in the poll to the right.
Stella Pearl
Sasha Kay
Sophia Rose
We got back to Denver on Monday from our July vacation blitz...the girls and I spent most of the trip in SDakota while Michael was on his Montana golf trip with Uncle Nic. Sophia and Sasha had a BLAST with all of their cousins. They even decided to let "Gack" (Jackson in Sasha-ese) in on some of their secrets at Grandma's house. Even though he just started walking, he kept up with them pretty well. Stella and I made a quick trip with Auntie Missy to Chicago for Marita's wedding on July 5th, then back to SDakota for a day, then home the next. Phew! Here is a
picture link.
Next on the schedule is gymnastics camp, which begins for Sophia this Thursday. She can't wait. I'm also going to try to see if Sasha is at all ready to potty train. We tried a month ago, but she had no interest, other than not wanting to wear a diaper. Oh and she has also unraveled the toilet paper roll a few dozen times. Does that count as showing interest?
I'll try to get some live action footage of the girls soon to fulfill the fans' requests....any particular things you'd like to see her doing, Kelly?? ;-)
One final thing...
HI, JEN!!!!!!
They could talk, laugh, and tell everyone how much they love their friend Jen from New York. Or they could skamper, jump rope, do needlepoint, or sing the ABC's. How about a hot dog eating contest or a race around your little backyard? I hope this gets you started.
I think Kelly might be on to something with a hot dog eating contest. That could provide much video entertainment! It sounds like you guys have had quite the fun-filled summer so far.
I vote that it should be how much they appreciate their biggest stalker, oh, I mean fan, Jen. Makes total sense to me!
Thanks for the shout-out, Nat! I love it. Yep, my morning routine includes, coffee, cereal, and checking in (or stalking if you prefer to call it that!) on my friends Sophia, Sasha, Stella and Jackson. The rest of my baby blog buddies will remain nameless so as not to scare the parents. Ha! Hope you guys have a great weekend. I loved seeing you all last week. Keep the pictures coming!
What about a video of chubby bunnies with starbursts? Marita
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