Thursday, July 10, 2008

Family fun runs

For the past month or so, as soon as Michael gets home from work we load up the girls in the joggers and go for a run. Michael usually pushes the double with Sash and Stella, and I push Soph in the single. Both have pros and cons: the double is heavier, but pushing Sophia requires you to engage in conversation with her the WHOLE way. Here is a conversation we had a few weeks ago...

The scene: we're running on a little trail, and we see a teenage boy put his arm around a teenage girl as they're walking in front of us.

Sophia: Mama?
N: Yes, Sophia.
S: Boys love girls.
N: Yes they do.
S: Mama?
N: Yeeeees, Sophia.
S: Boys and girls get married and then get kids.
N: That's right, honey.
S: Mama?
N: Yes?
S: I want another baby in our house.
N: Um.....don't you think we have enough for now?
S: Nope. I want another girl baby.
N: Wellll, we'll see.
S: Mama?
N: Sophia.
S: The world would be sad if it were just regular.
N: regular do you mean no colors?? (sometimes she calls "clear" things "regular" - like water, for instance.)
S: Yeah. Colors make the world good.
N: Yes they do. Is your favorite color still red, Soph?
S: Yeah. and Daddy's favorite is blue, and yours is purple, and Sasha's is orange, and Stella's is yellow...just like Mrs. Smith.
N: Sophia...see if you can count all the birds we see.
S: Okay, mom.

Sophia catching some zzzzz's

Sasha and Stella

Flexing for the camera

"helping" Daddy stretch


Missy said...

I like that boys and girls "get" kids after they are married.

edie said...

i wish sasha would help ME stretch. that looks nice.