Thursday, January 17, 2008

From the archives...

Have any of you seen the commercial with the little kid laughing his head off when his dad rips paper?? (check it out here.) It is HILARIOUS...contagious laughter....and everytime Michael and I see it, we are reminded of this video we captured of Sophia when she was a baby.


Missy said...

I love it! It sounds like she's hurting herself. So, so funny.

Unknown said...

That video was rated correctly - it's Hilarious. I love watching that commercial every time it's on - and this video is no different.

The Nelsons said...

Hey Natalie,

Hey just wanted to say hello! Well I'm back overhere in Iraq/kuwait area for anothere year or so. Well When you get a chance write me back at it would be get to hear from you. Well back to work for me.

Ryan Nelson