Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July pictures!

Here is a link to some new pics taken during July...hope you enjoy them! Oh, and if you missed the first set of Slip'n'Slide pics sent out by Edie earlier this month....please click here.

We're going to attempt to post some video pretty soon, too, as we've recently gotten some "good film" (as Michael would say).

Can't believe August starts tomorrow! A certain someone will be having her baby ANY DAY NOW! Go, Missy and Cas!


Missy said...

haha- I think there are just too many kids to ever get all of them smiling at the same time. So close!

Anonymous said...

I think those water slide pictures were even better on the second viewing. Classic.


Missy said...

I agree- and Edie, those are some bodacious ta-ta's you've got there. I like them.

Anonymous said...

thank you...i uh, made them myself...


Natalie said...

Dear Missy and Edie,
This blog is G rated. Please help us keep it that way.
Thank you,
The Management