Sunday, February 15, 2009


Stella is a full-blown walker now. She strolls around the house like she owns the place...almost like she is supervising the rest of us as we go about our day. She officially started walking the first week of February, a few days before her 11 month mark.

Sasha is now a big girl....i.e., no more diapers!!! Potty training only took a few days. After a slow start, she took to it pretty quickly. We didn't even have to bribe her with "potty treats" like we did Sophia. Yeah, Sash!

Sophia is doing great, too. She is learning so much this year. She has been reading beginner books to us for a couple of months (books with mostly 3 and 4 letter words that she can sound out). She can get through all of "Hop on Pop" without any help!! Michael and I are starting to realize that our days of spelling out things we don't want the kids to hear/understand are numbered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's really too bad--- I still spell so my kids don't know what I'm talking about!!!