Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This one is for you, Edie

After much harrassing from a certain sister of mine, I was finally able to post our pictures from the rest of October. You'll be happy that I cut down the batch from 160 to 57...however, I did not have it in me to do any fun captions this time. They are boring, straightforward and concise. Hopefully we'll have a new video up for you soon, too.

We had a great ultrasound this morning, and the baby looks good! Michael and I had to rush out of the appointment to make sure we could pick up Sophia from school on time, so we didn't have a chance to get a picture....but this might help you get a visual. Think: Skeletor with all of the grace of the ballerinas in Swan Lake. I kid...the baby is just as beautiful as our other two babies, and we are VERY excited to meet him...or her......

Happy November - stay warm!


Anonymous said...

i loooove the one of sophia and izzie "hammin it up"..so cute!


Natalie said...

that is my favorite, too!!!

Anonymous said...

such beautiful little girls! And they got 2 costumes, lucky little girls. I especially like Sopia as the pirate with her little pink tights.

Did both the girls enjoy "the puppy who lost its way?"


Missy said...

I love Sophia's smile!!! And Sasha has changed so much. My favorite costume was the "whole world"- very creative. Can I come visit next week? Thanks.

Natalie said...

yes ... you and J-man can move into the basement for as long as you want to stay!!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!