Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Michael and I are enjoying a quiet afternoon watching a little NFL....Stella is taking her 2nd nap, and the big two are downstairs having "quiet time". Sash normally naps everyday, but we're letting her skip today, so we can put them to bed at 7pm rather than 8. The early evenings are always pretty interesting on Sasha's non-nap days. She gets really surly and tries to pick fights with Sophia by chest bumping her, or she'll do belly flops on Stella, or she may put pretend food in the toilet. We call all of those things BAD CHOICES. :-)

My parents were in town last weekend for the Broncos game. We took some fun pictures of the girls....mostly of Sophia, b/c she loooooves to vamp it up for the camera. Michael and I were able to sneak away one of the nights to go to a fun party in the neighborhood with a bunch of other parents from Soph's school. That's apparently what you do when your kids are school aged....hang out with the PTA.

Here is a picture from the night. The theme was "Wear your Favorite T-shirt". There were all kinds of good ones, including one that said "Don't hit your kids....No seriously, don't....Kids carry guns these days." Don't be jealous of my rockin' bod.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finally...a NEW post!!!

Hi!! I have a few good excuses for our long absence and one really lame one...

The good ones: school, birthdays, 3 kids age 4 and under, sleep deprivation.
The bad one: Facebook.

Things are good in Tognetti-land. Stella crossed the 6month mark last week, and we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel....for now at least. :-) She is sleeping better, eating solids well, and her schedule is slowly starting to resemble somewhat of a pattern. Sasha is telling stories, mimicking Sophia, and making us all laugh. Sophia is one month into her 2nd year of preschool, and she looooooooves it!

Michael and I crossed the 5 yr anniversary mark last month, too. To celebrate we had a sitter come over, and we drove the van to a quiet parking lot and took a nap. Not really, but it was tempting.
We went to a Rockies game last weekend as a family and had a great time!! Soph and Sash were singing and dancing, eating popcorn, and yelling "GO TULO!! Get a hit!" They would ask for one of everything that the vendors were selling...we told them no, and promptly gave them a good lesson about the value of a dollar and making good economic choices. Being mature 4 and 2 year olds, they seemed to understand quite well.

Here is a picture link for last month's adventures. :-)